Discover Freedom

Our freedom journey of wellness adventure
Hi there! We’re an Irish-Icelandic couple with two little ones, curious about how to bring more freedom and excitement into our lives. We’re passionate about the outdoors and love exploring ways to challenge ourselves—physically and mentally. This blog was born from our desire to embark on a freedom journey of wellness and adventure, finding independence in the everyday and the extraordinary.
Our vision for this blog is simple: to share our personal journey in pursuit of freedom, through daily habits or life-changing adventures. We’re also being transparent about our goal of building a life with more time and financial freedom. While unconventional, part of why we started this blog is to explore ways to support our family while staying true to our passions. We hope being open about this process inspires and helps others on a similar path.
Ultimately, we aim to build a community of like-minded people seeking more from life—whether through adventure, wellness, or taking control of time and choices. We’re excited to connect with those also searching for their own sense of freedom, ready to share, learn, and grow together.
Looking forward to what’s next, Elaina & Andri
How do you find Freedom in Life?
Inspiring Content
Fuel your spirit with engaging stories and insights that ignite your passion for adventure and well-being.
Guiding you on a path to holistic well-being and balance, explore our curated collection of resources and recommendations toward freedom, growth and adventure.
Community Connection
Join a supportive tribe of like-minded individuals and exchange ideas, encouragement, and inspiration on enriching life’s journey.